This extension integrates ghci (the interactive Haskell shell) with Visual Studio Code. This allows for auto-reloading on file change and more.
How to use
To open an interactive shell, simply right click in your Haskell source file and click on Open interactive shell
. Alternatively click the yellowish/orange Haskell logo in the top right corner of the editor to open/close the interactive shell, or just type the commands into the command palette.
A Tour of Visual Haskell Visual Studio is a multilingual environment with integration for C, C#, J#, Visual Basic and many other third party languages. 1 Provided the code itself is portable to the desired platform, of course. Errors in the editor Figure 3. Hello everyone, In this video we see how to install Haskell in windows and run in visual studio code.Haskell is a general purpose language that can be used. Integrated Haskell Shell This extension integrates ghci (the interactive Haskell shell) with Visual Studio Code. This allows for auto-reloading on file change and more. Visual Haskell supports the full GHC language, and can be used to develop real Haskell applications (including the code of the plugin itself).Visual Haskell has driven developments in other. Visual Studio Visual Studio, or Visual Studio Code? Because the latter is based on Atom and Atom has pretty good Haskell support already. Either way, if you're going to do this, I recommend using.
The shell runs in the vscode integrated terminal and automatically switches when you change the current file. To close the shell you can close it as you would any other terminal window by clicking the little trash can, or you can of course type :quit
into it.
Haskell: Open interactive shell
-- Open an interactive shell with the current file loaded.Haskell: Close interactive shell
-- Close the shell tied to the current file.Haskell: Toggle interactive shell
-- Self explanatory.
Requires ghci to be installed. It probably is already if you use Haskell. If it's not and you don't know where to start the best place is probably
Note: Depending on how you may have installed ghci, you might have to modify the haskellShell.ghci.executablePath
setting in your vscode configuration file.
Known Issues
- There are issues but I don't know about them.
Possible additions and changes
- Find a way to decouple the interactive shell from the vscode integrated terminal, so that the user can have a shell and a terminal open at the same time. I've thought about maybe using webviews, however this could be bad for performance and probably not worth the complexity.
- I want to add the ability to open a shell that is tied to multiple files. I don't know how this would be implemented design-wise.
Release History
- Change: Smaller icons.
- Change: No longer clear interactive shell every time file is saved.
- Fix: Files with spaces in their absolute path couldn't be opened in the interactive shell.
- Initial release
Support for the Haskell programming language in Visual Studio Code.
Syntax highlighting
Adds syntax highlighting support for Haskell (.hs and .lhs). This is a (now heavily) modified version ofthe syntax file from the Haskell TextMate bundle.Additionally there is support for Cabal files (.cabal) via a concoction of my own.
Also adds automatic indentation after where
, do
, ->
etc. and surrounding brackets ([]
, {}
If you happen to notice bugs or have suggestions for improvements visit the issuesection of therepository.
This extension provides TextMate scopes for use in syntax highlighting, but the colours displayeddepend on the theme being used.
Unfortunately many themes have incomplete support for the different TextMate scopes, and as aresult different tokens can end up with identical colours.
For a theme that supports all the scopes provided by this extension, see theGroovy Lambda theme.
Intero Haskell
Theme authors
I recently realized that I am woefully unaware of whether there are any themes with Haskell-specificrules and how changes to this extension affect such themes. If you are a theme author that wishes touse Haskell specific rules, or are aware of a theme with Haskell specific rules, feel free to get intouch.
Visual Studio Code Haskell Debugger
With version 3.0.0
some new tm scopes were added, such that now record and GADT definitions can bedistinguished. Let me know if there are any questions about the scope assignment in thisextension or if there are further scope assigments you'd like to see added.
Visual Studio Free Online
We now publish an automatically generated, complete list of the textmate scopesused in our grammars. You can find the lists of scopes in thescope-lists directory.