Mamp Test

MAMP’s webstart even gives you PHP snippets for connecting to MySQL that you can use as a cheat sheet. However, with MAMP Pro, you get a package installer for WordPress (and other apps) which really makes it easy to create a site in seconds. MAMP, like XAMPP, doesn’t give you much help in creating virtual hosts. MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for Mac OS X and Windows: MAMP. Designed for professional web developers and programmers, MAMP PRO allows easy installation and administration of their development environment under Mac OS X and Windows.

MAMP is a free distribution package that makes it easy to install Apache Web Server, PHP, and MySQL. Before installing MAMP, you should turn off any other web servers and instances of MySQL you have running on your Windows machine.

  1. Download the latest version of MAMP:
  2. Run the downloaded file (e.g., MAMP_MAMP_PRO_4.1.exe) and click through the installation wizard.
    1. If prompted, you do not need to install MAMP PRO or Apple Bonjour.
    2. Accept the License Agreement.
    3. Leave the default for the installation directory (C:MAMP).
    4. Leave the default for the Start Menu folder (MAMP).
    5. Close the wizard when setup is finished.

Drug Test Mamp

Running MAMP on Windows


Be very careful to follow these steps exactly. MAMP can be finicky. If something goes wrong, often the easiest thing to do is uninstall MAMP and start the process over again.

To run MAMP...

  1. Navigate to C:MAMP in Windows Explorer and open MAMP.exe. If you get a security alert, allow access. You should see a window like this one: The servers (Apache Server and MySQL Server) should have automatically started. If they did not, start them by clicking on Start Servers.
  2. Open MAMP Preferences:
  3. Change the Apache port to 8888:
  4. Click on Open WebStart Page: The following page should open in your browser:

Class Files

  1. After downloading the class files, create a folder in C:MAMPhtdocs named 'Webucator' and extract your class files in that folder:
  2. Rename the ClassFiles folder to php:
  3. To test that your setup so far is correct, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8888/Webucator/php/. You should get a listing like this:
  4. Click PHPBasics, then click Demos, and then hello-world.php. You should get a page that looks like this:
Mamp Test

Setting the MySQL Password

The PHP files use 'pwdpwd' for the MySQL root password, while the default password used in MAMP is 'root'. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8888/phpMyAdmin/.

Note: It is important to do these steps in the order specified.

  1. Click the mysql database on the left.
  2. Click the SQL tab at the top.
  3. Enter the following in the textbox under Run SQL query/queries on database mysql:
  4. Click Go.
  5. You also need to update the password in Open the file in your editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code) and change the password setting as show below to 'pwdpwd'.

Installing the poetree Database

Mamp Test For Coronavirus

Use phpMyAdmin to install the poetree database used in class.

  1. Click on the Import tab heading
  2. Click the Choose File button.
  3. Browse to the poetree-db.sql file in your class files (C:MAMPWebucatorphppoetree-dbsql).
  4. Click Open:
  5. Click the Go button on the bottom left of the page.
  6. You should get a Success message and poetree should be added to your list of Databases.

One Final Test

Map Test Practice

Point your browser to http://localhost:8888/Webucator/php/Database/Solutions/ If you see a page like this, you're all set:

Mampuesto Rae

And that's it

Happy MAMPing!

Recommended Code Editor

Visual Studio Code (Download, Install, and Set up VS Code)

Map test login

While you may use a different editor or IDE, Visual Studio Code is an excellent IDE to learn to code on. It provides a nice balance of power and simplicity and it is available on Windows and Mac.

Stands for 'Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.' WAMP is a variation of LAMP for Windows systems and is often installed as a software bundle (Apache, MySQL, and PHP). It is often used for web development and internal testing, but may also be used to serve live websites.

Mamp Test On Mobile

The most important part of the WAMP package is Apache (or 'Apache HTTP Server') which is used run the web server within Windows. By running a local Apache web server on a Windows machine, a web developer can test webpages in a web browser without publishing them live on the Internet.

Mamp Test Results

WAMP also includes MySQL and PHP, which are two of the most common technologies used for creating dynamic websites. MySQL is a high-speed database, while PHP is a scripting language that can be used to access data from the database. By installing these two components locally, a developer can build and test a dynamic website before publishing it to a public web server.

While Apache, MySQL, and PHP are open source components that can be installed individually, they are usually installed together. One popular package is called 'WampServer,' which provides a user-friendly way to install and configure the 'AMP' components on Windows.

NOTE: The 'P' in WAMP can also stand for either Perl or Python, which are other scripting languages. The Mac version of LAMP is known as MAMP.

Map Test Nwea

Updated: May 23, 2013