Snowflake Obsidian is a type of Obsidian that gets its “snowflakes” from inclusions of the white mineral, Cristobalite. This variety of Obsidian is found in North and South America, as well as small localities in Africa and Asia.
Obsidian with a high iron content turns the stone a reddish brown and is known as Mahogany Obsidian. Inclusions of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite in the black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern producing Snowflake Obsidian. Black Rock Desert, Utah The Black Rock Desert is located in Millard County in western Utah. Black, brown, red, and snowflake obsidian can be found here on BLM lands. Roughly 2/3 of Utah ‘s lands are controlled by the BLM, so there are many opportunities for rockhounds to add to their collection of obsidian. CHOOSING A FABRIC Your custom piece is available in your choice from our hundreds stocked fabrics, or a COM fabric that you provide. Our fabrics are available for viewing in person at our showrooms and at retail stores that carry our products. Due to variations in screens, we cannot guarantee that colors seen online ar. Obsidian is a glass-like volcanic stone resulting from the rapid cooling of lava. Being an amorphous stone, it does not have a geometric crystal structure like other minerals. Obsidian is most commonly black but can also be gray, dark brown, green, and everything in between. Red Snowflake Obsidian is a is a black stone with red to pink inclusions.
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Snowflake Obsidian works to help balance, purify, and ground one's mind, body, and aura. This stone activates our root and third eye chakras, enhancing ones psychic abilities, especially that of past life recall. When meditating with this stone, one will have enhanced vision of previous lives. Each of these lives are shown to you in hopes of expanding your awareness and mental capacity. Our spirit guides will help guide us through this journey filled with endless amounts of knowledge in hopes that we take these lessons and put them to use in our current life. This information you receive is given to you for the sole purpose of solving current life problems. Our guides are trying to show us that we’ve been through issues in previous lives before this one, and we were able to push past them and create stronger, everlasting beings. Connecting to these guides and learning from past lives may be long and challenging, but it’s truly worth it. You may not connect on the first few tries, but its important to continue trying daily. The Council recommends meditating with Petrified Wood and Candle Quartz in conjunction with Snowflake Obsidian. Both these stones are some of the oldest stones we’ve ever worked with and can strengthen the mind to show these angelic beings that we are ready.
Snowflake Obsidian also has the wonderful ability to keep us grounded and balanced. This stone helps connect us deeply to the earth and contains our mind from wandering endlessly. This variety of Obsidian helps keep us focused and determined on the task at hand, while eliminating that inner procrastination that constantly distracts us from getting our work done. Snowflake Obsidian helps slow the mind down and bring it back to reality, it's a perfect stone for anyone who tends to constantly find themselves in a “day-dream” state.
If your someone who is working on trying to break a bad habit, Snowflake Obsidian can drastically help you. This stone will first work to purify and strengthen your mind, trying to eliminate whatever patterns of bad habits it can. This Obsidian variety will show you first hand that if you are not constantly thinking about it or allowing this bad vice to consume your mind, then you are strong enough to look past it. By purifying your mind and allowing it to stay focused and grounded, anything then becomes possible. Anyone who is still having problems breaking bad habits or addictions, The Council recommends using Amethyst in association with Snowflake Obsidian. Working with both these stones or even carrying them with you daily will help reduce the chance that you follow in your old footsteps. Both these stones strengthen and purify the mind, which heavily reduces the risk of sudden urges that would make you relapse into these habits again. Both these stones are major influences in self-expansion and restriction. By growing in a positive direction and expanding your mental capabilities, you will soon naturally start restricting yourself of any habit that may lower the new found purity of the mind.
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Obsidianis volcanic glass. It often has flow lines that create interestingeffects. Gold sheen and silver sheen obsidian's display gold andsilver shimmerings when polished, rainbow obsidian displays differentcolors, etc. Obsidian has a reputation for being difficult to polish.Usually the reason for difficult polishing is that coarse grits cancreate a fairly deep fracture zone that doesn't come out when thestone is cut at finer grits. Another problem is obsidian doesn'tpolish well if it gets too hot. So, if you don't use super coarsegrinding wheels and if you keep your polishing wheel slow and wet,good results will easily be obtained. Diamond wheel finishing workswell.
Usually Obsidian is a jetblack stone with a vitreous (glassy) lustre. Just like glass, obsidiantends to shatter into sharp fragments when hit hard, this strength andbrittleness have resulted in its use as sharp cutting implements andweapons such as spear and arrowheads or inserted into wood madewonderful clubs. Pure obsidian is usually dark in appearance, thoughthe color varies depending on the presence of impurities. Iron andmagnesium typically give the obsidian a dark brown to black color. Veryfew samples are nearly colorless. In some stones, the inclusion ofsmall, white, radially clustered crystals of quartzlike cristobalite inthe black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern (snowflakeobsidian). It may contain patterns of gas bubbles remaining from thelava flow, aligned along layers created as the molten rock was flowingbefore being cooled. These bubbles can produce interesting effects suchas a golden sheen (sheen obsidian) or an iridescent, rainbow-like sheen(rainbow obsidian).