Basic Airborne Course (BAC)
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Department of the Army (DA) approved Permissive Parachute Program, as described in AR 614-100/200, AR 350-1 and McoE Regulation 350-3.
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This describes the strict policy for personnel not assigned to the 1st Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, but who desire to participate in parachute operations with that unit. This policy also applies to personnel on hazardous duty orders for the conduct of parachute operations and those personnel authorized to conduct parachute operations under the auspices of the DA approved Permissive Parachuting Program.
(The 1st Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment is hereafter known as 'the Battalion.' Personnel not assigned to the Battalion who desire to participate in parachute operations with the Battalion are known hereafter as 'Guest Jumpers.')
The Battalion S3 / S3 Air is the Commander’s executive agent for administering the Guest Jumper parachute policy. The following provides basic guidance:
- Individuals requesting to jump with the Battalion are included in three categories. These categories are: 1) on jump status assigned to Fort Benning, 2) on jump status not assigned to Fort Benning, 3) On permissive jump status (on or off Fort Benning).
- The S3 Air allocates 5 Guest Jumper slots per jump except on Jump One. This is to ensure that incorporating Guest Jumpers into the student jumps does not become a training distracter for our students.
- Typical Jump Schedule:
- Mon – Jump # 1Load Time (LT) 1100 (No Slots)
- Mon– Jump #2 LT 1500 (5 Slots)
- Tue – Jump #3 LT 1000 (5 Slots)
- Tue– Jump #4 LT 1400 (5 Slots)
- Wed – Jump # 5 LT 2100 (1900 Winter) (5 Slots)
- Guest Jumpers jump on a space available basis, and may be removed from the manifest due to aircraft maintenance, inclement weather or other mission oriented obstacles. The Basic Airborne Course mission comes first.
- The MCoE G3 Air will screen jump requests on a priority basis. Personnel who are potential pay losses (in a 'pay hurt status') will receive the first consideration for a boarding pass.
- Personnel on jump status who have not coordinated with their unit’s S3 Air Officer, or NCO will not jump. The unit S3 Air will notify the MCoE G3 Air and then fax the required documentation to obtain the Guest Jumper a jump slot.
Procedures to receive a boarding pass by the category listed above:
- On jump status, assigned to Fort Benning:
- Unit S3 Air coordinates with the 1/507th S3 Air NLT seven days prior to the desired jump date to determine the number of slots available.
- The requesting unit S3 Air will have the soldier hand-carry one copy of the individual’s DA Form 1307 and a copy of the individual’s hazardous duty orders (the copies will be kept on file for future reference) to the 1/507th S3 Air.
- 1/507th S3 Air will validate all required documentation.
- Once approved, additional coordination's WILL be made with the Battalion S-3 Air, NLT the Friday prior to the desired jump week, to schedule BAR and to ensure a seat is reserved on the aircraft and specific timeline or changes are explained.
- Jumper will report to the Battalion S3 Air Jump Branch (McCarthy Hall – LAAF) NLT 0800 the day of the jump. Jumper will receive sustained airborne training, get manifested and receive a boarding pass.
- Upon completion of the jump, jumper will return the parachute to the 1/507th rigger Control and Issue (C&I) and report to the Battalion S3 Air, at Jump Branch for a copy of the manifest.
- On jump status, not assigned to Fort Benning:
- Unit S3 Air coordinates with the MCoE G3 Air NLT TEN days prior to the desired jump date to determine the number of slots available.
- The requesting unit S3 Air will fax one copy of the individual’s DA Form 1307, a DA Form 4187 signed by an O-6 (or O-5 serving in O-6 position with assumption of command orders), or above, stating that the individual is authorized to jump with the Battalion, and which days the individual is allowed to jump, and a memorandum signed by their first O-6 in there Chain of Command and a copy of the individual’s hazardous duty orders (the copies will be kept on file for future reference) to the MCoE G3 Air. A good POC and number must accompany the request, failure to provide could result in your request not being processed if a question arises.
- MCoE G3 Air will validate all required documentation and provide a copy to the 1/507th PIR S3 Air.
- Once approved, additional coordination's WILL be made with the Battalion S-3 Air, NLT the Friday prior to the desired jump week, to schedule BAR and to ensure a seat is reserved on the aircraft and specific timeline or changes are explained.
- Jumper will report to the Battalion S3 Air, at Jump Branch (McCarthy Hall – LAAF) NLT 0800 the day of the jump. Jumper will receive sustained airborne training, get manifested and receive a boarding pass.
- Upon completion of the jump, jumper will return the parachute to the 1/507th rigger Control and Issue (C&I) and report to the Battalion S3 Air, at Jump Branch for a copy of the manifest.
- On Permissive Jump status (on or off Fort Benning status):
- Fort Benning cannot place any soldier not assigned to the MCoE on permissive jump Status. The Commanding General ONLY of that individual soldier Chain of Command can place him/her on permissive jump status.
- Unit S3 Air coordinates with the MCoE G3 Air NLT TEN days prior to the desired jump date to determine the number of slots available. If slots are available the Unit S3 Air or Soldier will send the MCoE G3 Air a signed Permissive Jump Status Memo signed by the Commanding General Officer in the Chain of Command (assigned to Fort Benning - Fort Benning Permissive Jump Status Memo signed by the G-3, a DA Form 4187 signed by an O-6 (or O-5 serving in O-6 position with assumption of command orders), or above, stating that the individual is authorized to jump with the Battalion, and which days the individual is allowed to jump, and a memorandum signed by their first O-6 in their Chain of Command and a copy of the individual’s hazardous duty orders. The Permissive Jump Status Packet for personnel assigned to Fort Benning must go thru G-3 to CG, McoE for Fort Benning approval.
- MCoE G3 Air will validate all required documentation and provide a copy to the 1/507th PIR S3 Air.
- Once approved, additional coordinations should be made with the Battalion S-3 Air, the Friday prior to the desired jump week, to ensure a seat is reserved on the aircraft and specific timeline or changes are explained.
- Jumper will report to the Battalion S3 Air, at Jump Branch (McCarthy Hall – LAAF) NLT 0800 the day of the jump. Jumper will receive sustained airborne training, get manifested and receive a boarding pass.
- Upon completion of the jump, jumper will return the parachute to the 1/507th rigger Control and Issue (C&I) and report to the Battalion S3 Air, at Jump Branch for a copy of the manifest.
VIP List and Alternate Boarding Pass Procedures
The Battalion’s S3 Air maintains a list of personnel authorized to jump without a boarding pass. The VIP/Alternate Boarding Pass List is approved by the Battalion Commander and is updated daily by the S3 Air.
Pre-jump Training
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The Battalion’s pre-jump is conducted by the Jump Branch Master Trainer at 0800 hrs for all jumps. Guest Jumpers must be in duty uniform and have their Boarding pass, Identification Card, Identification Tags, and ACH (configured for Airborne Operations) for pre-jump training. Guest Jumpers who miss manifest call or pre-jump will not jump. Panasonic unified pc maintenance console minecraft.
Jump Refresher Training
Jump Refresher is mandatory for soldiers that have not made a jump within the last 6 months. A Jump Refresher memorandum from the jumper’s unit certifying the jumper has completed Jump Refresher Training is required and must be signed by a qualified and current Jumpmaster. Personnel from 199th Infantry Brigade attending the Battalion’s Jump Refresher must furnish the S3 Air a copy of that memorandum. Jump Refresher for 1/507th PIR Regiment is provided, as needed, at Tower Branch. If a jumper requires Jump Refresher through 1/507th PIR coordination is made through the S3 Air.
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POC for questions regarding the above policy should be addressed to the either the MCoE G3 Air at (706) 545- 2255 or the 1/507th S3 Air, (706) 545-1868, or DSN 835-1868.